Monday, November 23, 2009

Query Update

Is it the end of November already? Good thing I’m not attempting NaNoWriMo:) Anyway, here are the numbers:

Total queries: 75
Pending queries: 22
Full requests: 2 (2 pending)
Partial requests: 8 (2 pending)
Rejections: 36
Non-responses: 7

Another non-multiple of ten up there in the total queries count. What is my type-A personality to do? Well, at least it’s a multiple of five…

Interestingly, the two pending partials are the same two partials that were pending this time last month. So in the intervening weeks, I’ve had two partials both requested and rejected while the others are still holding on. I wonder what that means.

Well, I hear my baby crying. No more ruminations on what these grand statistics might mean, I guess. I’ll leave that to you:)


Myrna Foster said...

Multiples of 25 are good too, right? Good luck.

What kind of novel are you querying?

Holly said...

Best of luck. From time to time I stop by to see how you are doing. You are giving me a lot of courage.

This fall I queried four agents, got four rejections (two form and two personalized letters), stopped querying, posted the query letter on three critique websites, made revisions, and during November used the local National Novel Writing Month write-ins in my town to make a few revisions to the novel.

Next week I plan to start mailing it out again. I am sending it through the regular mail because I want a response; the no-response-if-we-don't-want-it with email would drive me crazy.

Krista Van Dolzer said...

I write young adult, Myrna, mostly fantasy and science fiction (big shocker, I know - doesn't everybody write that stuff these days?).

Good luck with your manuscript, Holly. Definitely keep me updated on what's going on.