
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

My First Foreign Rights Deal EVER

Super excited to announce that EARTH TO DAD is going to be published in mainland China!

As the title of the post implies, this is my first foreign rights deal EVER, so I'm still geeking out about it. I honestly can't wait to hold the Chinese version in my hands.

A huge shout-out to Brent--who, you may not know, is also his agency's subsidiary and foreign rights director--whose hard work and dedication totally brought this about. And a huge shout-out to Uwe, whose top-notch mentoring put Brent on this path. I feel so fortunate to have landed at Triada.


  1. How exciting! Congratulations!

    When I was doing PR, I had a story in Newsweek Japan. They actually translated one of my news released into Japanese. I still have a copy of it. And you get to have your whole book in Chinese!!

  2. Thanks, Michelle! And how cool is it that you had an article translated into Japanese? Very. Cool. I'd love to see it sometime!

  3. Awesome news, Krista, congratulations!

  4. Now go for German/Dutch/Irish or Gaelic. I need something to read. :)

  5. Tu es mall...Regenbogen und Gesichtkreisen sind die echte Sprachen

    Is iad na báistí agus na spéireachtaí an teanga fíor-uilíoch
    I think I got that right...brain cramp.
