
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vote, Vote, Vote!

During the month of November, I’ll start every post with something I’m thankful for. Today, I’m thankful to live in a country that gives every citizen a vote, a country in which I don’t have to worry about being shot on my way to the polls.

Just a friendly reminder to get out and vote today. And try to find out something about the not-so-high-profile races in your state. Those positions matter, too. In fact, in many ways, those local leaders have a bigger impact on our day-to-day lives than the national ones.

Happy Election Day!


  1. Vote is entered. It'll be a thrilling day all across the country!

  2. How right! I remember when I became American. It was a proud moment.

  3. Good for you, Elena. I'll be heading over there as soon as Honey Bear comes home from work.

    I'm sure it was, Esther. That's fantastic.

  4. I voted earlier today. Went with hubby. I thought about writing myself in for a few uncontested categories -- not to get the job but on the principal that every candidate should be challenged. When we got done, my hubby said he too almost wrote ME in. I think his reasoning consisted of me getting a job...

  5. S.C., we have a few uncontested positions on our ballot, too, mostly for judgeships. That's not a bad idea:)

  6. I voted. It is a real blessing for us to be able to. We need to not take it for granted.

  7. It's a great idea to take your kids to the polls! Let them see democracy in action. (Note-- not recommended for boys of almost three. I learned that yesterday!)

  8. Good idea, Stephanie. I remember going into that voting booth with my mom when I was a kid. Made me feel like I already knew what I was doing once I turned eighteen. (Although you're probably right on that whole almost-three-year-old thing:) )

  9. Thank goodness for those little "I voted" stickers. The nice election workers gave me a sheet of them! Kept little fingers from pushing random buttons. My little guy is still bipartisan.
